A Logo!Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore

A Logo! by Cherie. x featuring Vigoss jeans

The Job Centre

Want a job at The Daily Fashionista? Here are the jobs available...

1 Fashion Scout
Details:  A fashion scout will look out for things that could go in the online newspaper - i.e fashion photos, design competitions, Fashion Week details etc. Anything! If you find something you think would be good in the newspaper, contact either me or the co manager, and we'll get back to you.
Skills needed: An eye for fashion.
Work Partner: If you get the job you will be working with our other FS, Jean Oberlander.

1 Recruit Manager
Details: The Recruit Manager is a bit like a Recruit Scout. They look for people who they think would be good working for the newspaper.
Skills needed: Confidence and an eye for talented fashionistas!
Work Partner: None

1 Assistant
Details: An assistant for everyone who works to put this newspaper together. If someone is away, the assistant fills in for them!
Skills needed: Needs to be able to deal with all the things mentioned above.
Work Partner: If you get the job you will be working with the Manager, the Co Manager, and the Fashion Scouts.