Maybe you would like to contribute to the newspaper? Well, I'm looking for people who would like to help me. I'm looking for...
1 Co Manager
Details: This newspaper is called The Daily Fashionista - but what if I can't post one day? What if I go on holiday? That's where you come in! As Co Manager you would post for me, and if any messages come in for me while I'm away you get to deal with them! Skills needed: Need to be able to deal with lots of messages, needs to be able to put together a newspaper with short notice.
1 Fashion Scout
Details: A fashion scout will look out for things that could go in the online newspaper - i.e fashion photos, design competitions, Fashion Week details etc. Anything! If you find something you think would be good in the newspaper, contact either me or the co manager, and we'll get back to you. Skills needed: An eye for fashion.
1 Recruit Manager
Details: The Recruit Manager is a bit like a Recruit Scout. They look for people who they think would be good working for the newspaper. Skills needed: Confidence and an eye for talented fashionistas!
1 Assistant
Details: An assistant for everyone who works to put this newspaper together. If someone is away, the assistant fills in for them! Skills needed: Needs to be able to deal with all the things mentioned above.
If you would like one of these jobs, just comment with what job you would like and your email address. Don't worry - I'll delete the comment straight after! I will then send you a reply with a yes or no...whether you got the job or not!
Good luck, and I hope you all like Issue 1 which will be posted tomorrow.
I'd like to be co manager, and you know my email address, lol! :)
ReplyDeleteI'd love to be a Fashion Scout, please! I have a fashion blog, Auberjean.wordpress.com and also I follow several fashion blogs so I'd get more information on fashion ^^
ReplyDeleteYou know my email :D